Once again, OLMAR’s position as a leading supplier of autoclaves for the aerospace industry means..
Speed is without a doubt the most determining factor in motor racing. Getting a fast..
The historic results that 2023 left in the field of aviation clear the way for..
In addition to our experience in the manufacture of autoclaves, steam boilers and other pressure..
In addition to our experience in the manufacture of autoclaves, steam boilers and other pressure..
In addition to our experience in the manufacture of autoclaves, steam boilers and other pressure..
La fibra de carbono ha sido durante mucho tiempo el material preferido en industrias como..
Carbon fiber has long been the preferred material in industries such as automotive and sports,..
Applications of Autoclave Laminated Glass in Automobiles and Construction Although glass may be seen as..
The autoclave of the future The capacity for improvement offered by technological advances always leads..
The autoclave of the future The capacity for improvement offered by technological advances always leads..
Supercars & Olmar autoclaves Today the use of carbon fiber parts in automobiles may no..
Supercars & Olmar autoclaves Today the use of carbon fiber parts in automobiles may no..
Carbon fiber is one of the main materials used for the manufacture of helicopters. We..
What is Cold Spray Additive Technology? The additive technology known as “Cold Spray” and/or also..
JEC WORLD PARIS is the most important event of #compositematerials around the world After a..
Olmar confirms the sale of a new autoclave for Yulista, an important aeronautical company in..
Olmar successfully completes the Hydraulic Test of the new Airbus autoclave in Getafe, Madrid. Last..
The Spanish company is currently manufacturing more than a dozen autoclaves for this sector Olmar..
The wood sector has had a constant growth in recent years, betting increasingly on the..
Olmar reaches an agreement with a multinational located in the United States to manufacture a..
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