Olmar consolidates its position on the aeronautical market by the sale of a new autoclave to an important European airline


The aeronautical market continues being one of the main drivers of composite sector in 2016: in the last days, Olmar has confirmed the sale of a new autoclave for an important European airline placed in Holland.

This autoclave will be one of the very first equipments manufactured by Olmar according to a new design line, which has been specially developed for the aeronautical sector. This new design has been created to optimize the performance of the autoclaves and to ensure a total control over the process of composite treatment, in order to reach the best results on each cycle.

The sale of this new autoclave represents an important milestone for Olmar, which stands as one of the main suppliers for autoclaves, ovens and control systems for the aeronautical sector worldwide.

Escrito por Olmar Test