von olmar_web | Okt. 14, 2014 | de
Vice President Biden visited their New Facility in Rochester equipped with a last generation autoclave for composites treatment. Yesterday, Vice President Biden visited Rochester, New Hampshire to highlight the Administration’s plan to help businesses bring...
von olmar_web | Okt. 14, 2014 | de
It will take place in Paris between 27th / 29th March. Please, don’t hesitate to visit “Olmar” booth P63 or request your invitation through comercial@olmar.com More information about Jec Composites Show...
von olmar_web | Okt. 14, 2014 | de
One of the most important helicopter manufacturers in Russia has trusted in Olmar to supply them 3 units to be integrated in their composite fabrications plant.
von olmar_web | Okt. 14, 2014 | de
Olmar, S.A., continuando con su expansión asiática, obtiene una nueva Licencia de Fabricación para China. La firma asturiana, tras ser auditada y aprobada por un equipo de ingenieros chinos, especializados en este tipo de procesos, obtiene esta nueva...