by olmar_web | Feb 23, 2015 | en
The R&D center that Carbures owns as one of the national leaders of the composite materials for the aircraft industry sector Carbures, spanish company dedicated to the manufacture and processing of composite materials, has started a new business line dedicated to...
by olmar_web | Feb 23, 2015 | en
THIS MODEL HAS BEEN CHOSEN BY IBERIA IN ORDER TO RENEW ITS FLEET IN 2018 The new long-distance plane Airbus A350 made one of the first landing in Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas airport from the French city of Toulouse, on a flight operated by one of the five test planes...
by olmar_web | Feb 19, 2015 | en
THIS NEW CONTRACT JOINS OTHER SIMILAR ONES IN SEVERAL COUNTRIES AS US, PORTUGAL, GERMANY, RUSSIA, FRANCE, UK OR INDIA In the last days, Industrial Olmar has signed an important new contract for the sale of a large Autoclave in collaboration with a foreign company. The...
by olmar_web | Jan 5, 2015 | en
La empresa familiar fundada por D. Olegario García Hevia cumple 70 años El año que comienza tiene una especial importancia en el calendario de Olmar: la empresa fundada en 1945 por D. Olegario García Hevia celebra su 70 aniversario inmersa en un...
by olmar_web | Dec 12, 2014 | en
Industrial Olmar sigue afianzando su posición en Francia con la venta de un nuevo Autoclave Industrial Olmar ha firmado un nuevo acuerdo para la fabricación de un Autoclave vertical en Francia. Este Autoclave se destinará a una gran variedad de usos, entre...