The company closes the best year of its history with the signing of new contracts and a promising future in 2017


Olmar closed the 2016 with the best economic results since its founding in 1945. Having a look to the balance of the year, the signing of important contracts and its direct collaboration with large companies around the world has been decisive to achieve these goals.

The excellent results of the projects carried out during the last years were one of the main reasons for companies like Airbus, Alestis or GE Aviation to trust again in Olmar during 2016. Besides that, the add of new clients (KLM , Marenco Swisshelicopters, Premier Composites …) has impulse the strengthen of the company’s position in the international market.

All these elements make Olmar a reference supplier of autoclaves, ovens and control systems worldwide, through a successful 2016 and promising new projects in 2017.

Escrito por Olmar Test